Does Uganda have butterflies

Does Uganda have butterflies?

Does Uganda have butterflies, Uganda, the pearl of Africa  is  haven to butterfly enthusiasts. With over 1235 species of which 31 are endemic. Uganda boasts one of the highest diversities of butterflies in Africa, from the majestic swallowtails to the delicate blues, Uganda’s butterflies are a true marvel of nature. Uganda varies in butterfly habitats ranging from Montane forests to Savannah supporting the diversity of these beauties making Uganda a paradise for butterfly enthusiasts and nature lovers. Among these numerous species are the following; Great Blue Turaco, African Queen, Citrus swallowtail and Ugandan Glider. The African Queen (Danaus Chrysopsis) is the most common butterfly in Uganda and its well known for its vibrant orange wings adorned with black veins and white spots.


Butterflies are flying insects with a small body and large colourful wings often. Butterflies have 6 jointed legs, a pair of antennae and 3 body parts called the head, thorax and abdomen. The 4 wings and 6 legs are attached to the thorax.


Well, these safari whispers of the wild can be found any where in the Pearl, but for a breath-taking panorama, visits to parks such as Queen Elizabeth, Murchison falls, Budongo forest reserve Rwenzori Mountain and so much others are the best choice for a satisfying span.

The best time to spot butterflies in Uganda is during the wet season (March to May and September to November) when vegetation is lush and flowers are in bloom .In Uganda’s lush landscapes, butterflies and flowers share a delicate dance .As the country’s vibrant blooms-like the bright yellow Acacia trees ,the delicate pink flamboyant trees and the exotic purple Orchids -unfurl their petals ,they welcome a kaleidoscope of butterfly sips from the fragrant frangipani ,while the blue pansy flutters around the velvety red Hibiscus. The Giant Swallowtail, with striking black and yellow wings, is drawn to the sunny yellow Cassia flowers. As the butterflies’ flit from bloom to bloom, they transfer pollen, ensuring the continued beauty and diversity of Uganda’s floral tapestry. This harmonious relationship between butterflies and flowers remains a testimony to the country’s rich biodiversity and the interconnectedness of its natural wonders.


  • Butterflies taste with their feet.
  • Butterfly wings are made up of tinny scales similar to those of fish.
  • Butterflies undergo a complete transformation from egg to larva to pupa to adult.
  • Some butterflies migrate thousands of miles each year.
  • Butterflies have compound eyes with thousands of lenses, giving them incredible vision.
  • Butterflies beat their wings around 20 times per second to fly.
  • The average butterfly lifespan is 1-4 weeks, but some species live up to 6 months.
  • Butterflies can be found in almost every habitat from deserts to rainforests.
  • Adult butterflies feed on Nectar while caterpillars eat plants or any other decayable materials.
    • Butterflies are easiest to spot during calm, sunny conditions around mid day.

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